Your Lie Detector Test Day
A polygraph examination is actually a rather complex operation, which both the expert who carries out the study of this type and the same person on the test must prepare well. More and more people use these devices for personal or business use. Business owners check, for example, the credibility of their employees, private citizens and at the same time looking for love tricks or theft among family members.
As the test measures the change in your physiological parameters such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and sweating, it is important for you not to panic unnecessarily to avoid erroneous results. However, the polygraph examiner may be aware of your mental state during the pretest session and make the required considerations.
Rest and good health are the most important things
Avoid thinking about the horrible stories on the internet about the issue, as it will only unnecessarily increase your nervousness. If you spend a lot of time worrying about the exam before you endure it, you risk getting adverse results by showing clues that will unfairly condemn you.
To avoid unnecessary misuse, do not try to educate people who have ever had a polygraph examination. Also, avoid asking yourself questions about this exam or trying to guess the questions you will be asked. Do not spend your time visiting sites that are against polygraph tests, as these sites often confuse the facts with machinations built from scratch and only create unnecessary panic.
Take care of yourself the day before the exam
Be good for your test under good conditions and react physiologically with precision. For this purpose, take the trouble to rest well and feel as comfortable as possible. Follow your daily training as precisely as possible. You must do this even if your activities affect your heart rate, such as drinking coffee or having a morning run, as your body has become accustomed to these physiological conditions. Try to sleep 7 or 8 hours during the night before the exam. Be careful not to be hungry and to dress comfortably.
Complete the forms and discuss matters with the examiner
Prior to the exam and depending on its purpose, you will likely need to complete and sign security clearance forms. Take your time to fill out these forms. Read them thoroughly and carefully, then sign them as soon as you are ready. Make the polygraphist aware of your health problems and the nature of the medications you are taking and examine the questions and take your time to understand them.